
Monday, January 21, 2019

Huawei still on fire trail - next could be Germany to close the shutter.

This year seems to have picked up from where 2018 left off for Huawei Technologies, with more countries lining up to effectively block use of the Chinese vendor's equipment in 5G networks. This time it is Germany's turn.

According to a report in German broadsheet Handelsblatt, the German government is actively considering stricter security requirements and other ways to exclude Huawei equipment from the country's 5G networks. The paper noted that the government will not and cannot ban certain companies from the German market. Instead, it is discussing setting security standards that Huawei could not achieve, effectively blocking its participation.

Changes to the German telecommunications law were also under consideration, Handelsblatt added. Germany's BDI industry association told Reuters that no vendor should be excluded from 5G if there is no evidence against them.

It has been previously reported that senior German officials were attempting to convince their government to prevent German telecom operators from using Huawei equipment.

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